Connor's school had "Little House" day last week. The third graders read a few of the books and have been talking about what things were like in "the olden days".

I ordered him a pair of suspenders off of ebay...$4.21 with shipping...gotta love
ebay! And he wore a hat that
Grammi bought him the last time she was away...I think it was from France, but I wouldn't swear to it...We wore some Levi's, a white button up and called it a costume.
I couldn't help myself and had to make all the pictures black and white...the sepia is probably more accurate, but it just looked dirty to me...I'm just not artsy enough to appreciate it I guess.
I even let Connor wear his dress shoes to school...since I may not be a history whiz, but I'm fairly certain DCs weren't around back then ;) He looked great! A lot of the girls had the full blown Holly Hobby...Laura Ingalls outfits on with the long dress and apron and bonnet...but most of the boys were looking pretty modern.
Each Third grade teacher took a different aspect of life to act out...they made butter, snacked on beef jerky and lemonade, and of course had an old fashioned classroom. The classroom was complete with chalk boards and a dunce cap...but more on that later. Connor looks so studious here :)
One room had
lincoln logs for the kids to play with...I guess to teach them the construction method of choice in the day...there was another area where they washed dirty socks on washboards and a room where they designed paper quilt squares...the next two pictures are the absolute highlight! They are
sooooo they way things would be if we did live back in the day!
All of the kids got a chance to be a dunce during the antique classroom section...and they all LOVED it!! The teacher in charge started out sending the kids back to the stool for small answering without being called on or writing down something incorrect on their chalkboards...but by the end, she was calling on the kids that hadn't been
dunced (is that a word??), asking them a question, and when they got it correct, sending them to the chair anyway...or saying they didn't
annunciate properly or that their tone was was hysterical!!
This picture is my favorite! He even has that dejected~I'm in trouble~ slump going on! Perfect!
(oh...and yup... I'm just acting like the last 5 months where I've been completely nonexistent didn't happen! :) )
Happy Thursday...